A Wedding Dream – in Sicily

A Wedding Dream – in Sicily

Wedding Styled Shoot – Wedding in Sicily.

“She looked at her, but with a look for which the word look is too strong, a marvelous look that is seeing without wondering about anything, seeing and no more.”

“Something like two things that touch each other—the eyes and the image — a look that does not take but receives, in the absolute silence of the mind, the only look that could really save us — innocent of any question, still not tainted by the vice of wanting to know — the only innocence that could prevent the hurt caused by external things when they enter the sphere of our sensibilities — to see — to feel — because it would be no more than a marvelous vis-a-vis, us and things, whereby our eyes receive the whole world — to receive — without questions, even without wonder — to receive — only — to receive — in our eyes — the whole world.
Alessandro Baricco – Ocean Sea


Bride Annalisa Contrino
Groom Luca Bellanti

“And they came from the two farthest extremities of life, this is the amazing thing, one would have thought they would never have met, if not by crossing the universe from one end to the other, and instead they did not even have to look for each other, this is the incredible thing, and the only hard thing was recognizing each other, recognizing each other, the work of a moment, at the first glance they already knew, this is the marvelous thing — this is the tale they would continue to tell, forever, in Carewall, so that no one might forget that we are never far enough away to find one another, never — but those two were far enough away — to find each other, far away, farther than any other…
Alessandro Baricco – Ocean Sea

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