Wedding in Casale La Lumia in Sicily – Cathedral Agrigento – Maria Rita and Davide

Wedding in Casale La Lumia in Sicily – Cathedral Agrigento – Maria Rita and Davide

Wedding in Casale La Lumia in Sicily, La Torre Catering

The bride and groom have chosen a very special location for their wedding and after the ceremony took place at the cathedral of Agrigento, the priest friend Don Luigi Maria Epicoco, flown in from Rome just for the occasion, is so expressed.

"The roads are not opposed, when we are all looking for the same thing: The love of 'Our Soul."
concluded the homily of a beautiful and heartfelt celebration of David Petrucci and Maria Rita, they are the newlyweds in love singers Gruppo Animazione Eventi Agrigento The Live Voice
A special couple, crossed thanks to the Love of God and for God.
A wonderful wedding full of emotions! The celebration, really felt has excited everyone in the Basilica Cattedrale di Agrigento.
Location of the wedding Casale La Lumia, with a careful catering carried out by chefs La Torre
Groom dress Lochis & Sons
Bride dress Giorni Felici Sposa
Make up sposa Sara Cordaro
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From the website of Casale La Lumia
Casale La Lumia is an exclusive structure dating back to the eighteenth century, which still retains the charm of the time, which combines the comfort of modernity, creating a unique mix of elegance and class. Here you can organize an exclusive event and give your guests an unforgettable day.

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