Wedding in Taormina Isola Bella Sicily – La Plage Resort – Michelle e Callum
Isola bella Taormina sposi fotografati da Foto Event Studio

Wedding in Taormina Isola Bella Sicily – La Plage Resort – Michelle e Callum

Wedding in Taormina La Plage Resort in Sicily

For a Wedding in Taormina: two years ago, from Scotland, Michelle wrote to us through our fb page, she wanted to talk about her wedding in Sicily.
She was enthusiastic, because our land in April is magnificent, green and with a wonderful spring climate.

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SameSex Engagement in Sicily – Valley of the Temples

Samesex engagement in Sicily!

It is always a pleasure to have the opportunity to document a samesex wedding or engagement. I offer a professional service to both brides and grooms, tailored to meet the needs of lesbian and gay men couples when registering their love for one another in gay marriage.

Our photographers love engagement season! It’s a great time to get to know our wedding clients before the big day and provide them with some practice in front of the camera while scoring great photos for the save the dates.


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